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Custom Denim


We all have it.. that dreaded piece of denim that sits in the back of your closet, never getting picked anymore... or maybe you're looking for a unique, personal gift for a friend, either way we got you covered! Whether it's jeans, jackets, or anything in-between we would love to make your vision a reality.
All custom denim will be quoted, and paid for before the item is shipped/dropped off to us for completion. 
Please leave a detailed message below answering the following:
1. What is the garment?
2. What would you like painted on the garment?
3. Will the garment need to be shipped to Creatives by Jenna before painting? (see 'Denim Shipping Page' for instruction)
4. Do you need the garment back to you by a certain date? (this may not always be do-able if we do not receive the garment with enough time to finish) but, we will do our best :) 
We look forward to working with you!